Introducing, BFTA Member – Rachel Zeitlin, Rachel Fur Apparel and Accessories
How did you start out in the fur trade?
The Fur Trade is my family & my heritage. I was lucky to be born into a family who are passionate with experience within the trade, I am proud to say I am the 4th generation of my family to continue within the trade. My own company began in 2010, after pursuing a career in fashion. Prior to this, at the age of 15 approximately along with my cousin Katie we convinced our fathers to ship us some denim jackets lined with fur, which we sold – Can’t believe that trend has come around again!
What do you love most about working with fur?
Fur is continuing to change, with new techniques, new dye & new colours the possibilities are endless. Even after years of seeing this industry, I find new and inspiring things from the same classical fabric. Sadly I feel the luxury aspect of fur can alienate what it’s really about and I hope to bring fur and its wonders to all markets.
What do you see as the challenges?
There are many challenges facing the trade as a whole, but the most important is the public’s perception of the product and the trade. The nature of today’s society means rapid changes in opinions to knowledge and we must learn to change and grow alongside it. This is one of the oldest trades in the world and we must continue in doing all we can to innovate, expand and educate people about it.
What does Sustainability mean to you?
Along with the word sustainability the words, traceability and responsibility are also continually repeated; these three words will serve as the key to the future of any fur company. As for myself, these concepts have always served as the starting point for my design, the research for my suppliers and the inspiration for moving forward. I continue to commit to find ways to responsibly source fur & work with it in the most sustainable & environmentally friendly way. The modern consumer is now aware of their manufacturing process and deserves the right to know of the origins of the products they buy, how and where their products are produced and if they can or can’t be upcycled, recycled or reused.
Anything to add?
I am excited to see the future of this trade & the return to sustainable natural fibres. There is so much history and culture here for the modern consumer to see and to be inspired by.